Monday, April 13, 2009

Trader Joe Power Rankings

Here are my weekly updated power rankings at my job:

10. Gail (previous ranking: 8) - She continued to give me awesome high fives, although she said my high fives are sometimes too strong. I took it as a compliment though.

9. Dave (previously not ranked) - This guy is fucking insane. Seriously. He is FUCKING INSANE! I think he wanted to kill me because I left him off the first week. He might want to kill me for adding him to the list this week. I don't fucking have any idea about this kid. He is from Wisconsin.

8. Andrew (previously not ranked) - This guy is 50 years old. He is awesome though. He speaks different languages, he loves Pete Seeger, and he talks about trees and other crazy shit.

7. Maria (previously not ranked) - I told her that she would get on my power rankings by going to She text messaged me back at 4:30am telling me that she had heard bad things about the site. What the fuck is her problem?

6. Carlos (previously ranked 9) - this kid is in the Jonas Brothers. We are going to see Bane together.

5. John Cz (previously ranked 7) - This guy looks like he hates the world, but he loves video games, cartoons, the Giants, and Megadeath.

4 Edson (previously ranked 3) - Had to drop him down a spot because I think he got a little cocky with his high ranking last week. He also wears a "The Academy Is" hoodie, so he drops one spot.

3. Jaime (previously ranked 4) - He switches spots with Edson due to him being asian. He also kind of freaks out whenever we have a "team huddle."

2. Matt Svechenko (previously not ranked) - He turned 21 this week. He is also possible related to Andrei Svechenko. He is in Vegas, hopefully he is having sex with hookers.

1. Justin (pr 2) - I thought he was 23 years old. Inverse it. He is 32. Mindfuck. He loves the Flaming Lips, and he told me he hung out with the kid of that dude from the Black Crowes that was all up in Kate Hudson.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In my defense, I was drunk. And I didn't say that.
