Thursday, April 16, 2009


The kid in this, that is rude to his mom, is one of the biggest assholes ever. I seriously hate this commercial, and all because of this pompous jerk. I need to find him in real life, and punch him in the nose.


Chae said...

Well what is the moms deal for giving in and ordering a pizza? Tell your kid not to be a dipshit.

The Haymaker said...

hahaha, this is the best post ever.

that kid looks like he has downs, give him a break, the world is a confusing place for him. he just wants pizza a juice, its all he knows.

Devin said...

i think this commercial is borderline racist.

Chae said...

Yes I agree only a mom from an upper middle class white family wouldn't smack the kid when he got home.

Also this blog is too crazy