Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Andrei Arshavin

Andrei Arshavin is a Russian soccer player that plays for Arsenal. He is 5'2''. He is a comedic genius.

These are actual questions and answers that he has posted up on his official website:

From mika61
Dear Andrey,
I wanted to wish you good luck in this difficult period for you. Don't lose your confidence, YOU ARE THE BEST, do not lose hope, continue to play your football and your success will come back ... Do not lose your motivation please, we're behind you to support you ... Do we still vibrate dear Andrey ! You will find the way of the goal soon !
Best regards - Mickael
Arshavin: Tnank you

From madam1kristinckao1ou
Hi Andrey,
We were asked to write a paper at school about some athlete and everybody wrote about you! My friend and I took information from your web-site and we got excellent marks! Thank you very much for the site and for your football.
Sincerely, Christine
Arshavin: I’m glad :)

From Sayana
Hi Andrey, I want to ask you, do you know where the Republic of Khakassia is? I live there, it’s Western Siberia, and its capital city is Abakan, I want you to come here, it’s my dream. But I’m positive that it will never come true! :(
Arshavin: Everything is possible….

From Olga22
Hello, Andrey! Do you have a personal shrink?
Arshavin: No

From veizel
Hi! I’m overweight. What shall I do?
Arshavin: Lose weight :)

From veizel
Hi, Andrey! I am 13 years old and I began to play football 2 years ago.
Do you think I’ll be able to become a professional footballer?
Arshavin: I do not know.

From honeygirl
Hello Andrey! My question might be silly, but the whole purpose of this site is to ask you the questions that interest us :) As far as I know, Orlando Bloom lives in England (I’m not sure where exactly) Maybe you met him somewhere? Well, I guess it’s possible)))

Good luck!
Arshavin: No.

From kostea
Have you ever been stung by the bees in the forehead or near the eye?
Arshavin: No, but I’ve been stung once in my behind by a bee.

From kostea
Have you cleaned your yard from snow in London?
Arshavin: No

From kostea
Andrey, how often do you eat onions or garlic??
Arshavin: It happens sometimes…

From iloveme
Andrey, what do you think people need pain for?
Arshavin: For people not to forget that they are mere mortals. Some people say that suffering purifies the soul.

From tasha100 know,
You know sometimes I feel so down. What shall I do?
Arshavin: Try to overcome this situation. Think that after this bad streak, there’s definitely going to be a good one. Despondency is a sin.

From KaTS
Andrey, please tell me, do you really like to answer this great number of questions from you fans? Don’t you feel bored?
Arshavin: First, I try to do it when I have spare time. Secondly, I see how many people are interested in our football and my personal life. You spend your time, I spend mine. Therefore, when it doesn’t interfere with my work or does not distract from my family's affairs, I reply. Is it good or bad?

From Ctepan
Hi, Andrey, I want to play like you.
Arshavin: Play then.

From RinaBeer
Hi. I am 25 years old and I’m still not married. My parents are very upset about this. They say I can end up a spinster. But I don’t want to get married yet. What shall I do? (Sorry if this is off topic; just want to know your opinion)
Arshavin: I think I can help you.
Step 1: You need to find a scruffy heavy drinker.
Step 2: Once you’ve found him, try to persuade him to “marry” you. I think that for a small amount of money, he will agree to fulfill the role of your fiancĂ© :)
Final: Bring this guy home. Tell your parents he’ll live with you ;)
I think next time they will think better before forcing their opinion on you.

From 1009
Hi, Andrey! Some people say that the rain comes when the angels cry; some people say that it is a natural process. What do you think? Do you like rain?? Hi to Julia and the kids !!!!!
Arshavin: No, I do not think that it’s angels’ tears. It's simply a natural phenomenon. Although it sounds more romantic the way you put it.

From finta
Does anybody go in for sports in your family?
Arshavin: Me.

From lambada
Hi, Andrey, in what order would you place the following animals: a tiger, a cow, a pig, a horse, a sheep?
Arshavin: A pig - it will always get the last place! A tiger, a cow, a horse, a sheep. And I’ll repeat that a pig is always the last one, because it is a pig.

From samara4ever
How do you see yourself in 50 years?
Arshavin: 78-year old man, with aching legs and a glamorous walking stick :)

From didi
Hi Andrey, I bet nobody has ever asked you this and nobody ever will, I’m sure: what color is your bath sponge?
Arshavin: Blue.

From sgonch
Hello Andrey, thanks for the site.
The question is: I’ve noticed that you stick your tongue out during the game, why do you do this? On the one hand it is strange because I’ve never seen it done by any other football player, on the other hand the great Michael Jordan was doing just the same thing while playing. Actually I should say I’ve noticed that sometimes you behave on the pitch exactly like Jordan. What do you think about this athlete?
Arshavin: This is by nature. There are a lot of photographs of me with my tongue hanging out, but I don’t do it on purpose. I was always an NBA Chicago supporter. I think that Jordan is the best basketball player in history. Although I don’t think I have anything in common with him apart from my stuck out tongue.

From rita
Hi, what do you think about piercing?
Arshavin: I disapprove of it.

From Tanechka
I’ve noticed that Julia loves to wear glasses! Is that true? And what is her favorite brand? Why don’t you wear any sunglasses?
Arshavin: They don’t suit me. Besides I’m indifferent to accessories: glasses, belts, etc. As for Julia, yes, she loves glasses. I’ve never asked her about her favorite brand.

From lels
Hello, Andrey!
Thanks for your game!
I would like to know whether you like cactuses.
Thanks in advance ...
Arshavin: They are prickly; I remember we had them in kindergarten. We also had some at home. I didn’t like them then and I don’t like them now.

From Africa
Dear AA, having read your answers I’ve got the impression (perhaps I’m wrong) that you are bored of life!
Sincerely, Africa
Arshavin: I find life interesting.

From Africa
Hello, our AA! Do you believe in extraterrestrial civilizations?
Arshavin: Truly speaking I do not believe in extraterrestrial civilizations, I believe that we live on this planet alone, although my wife says the opposite. I do not like science fiction, fantasy books or movies. I’m indifferent to these things.

Andrey, do you need apples? We’ve harvested a lot of them this year!
My friends also have a lot of apples and they don’t take mine. But they are so tasty and sweet, especially “white juice”. It is a pity that they’ll go bad...
Arshavin: I love apples, but on the other hand, I think there are many other deserving people who will accept your apples.

1 comment:

Doc said...

I laughed my ass off reading this. Reminds me of our dada youth.