Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Community College

The Haymaker and I didn't actually move to Atlanta. In fact, I actually started school today at Westchester Community College. And man was it weird. First of all, I'm extremely disappointed that I only saw 2 goth kids today. I always wondered where did all the goth kids go, and I always thought the answer was community college. I guess I was wrong, and that saddens me greatly. Goth kids, come back!

I did manage to see a couple of kids that looked more like this, but this shit ain't cool:

Those kids are at least foreign, so they can pull it off. Rich white kids from the suburbs though need to just stop.

Other random happenings during my first day:

A random girl asked me how old I was. When I responded that I was 25, she responded "Oh, you are old."

I overheard a group of guys standing outside smoking, and one of them said "Hey, you know what's ill? Movies with Laurence Fishburne!"

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