Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pitchfork Media

Dear Pitchfork Media,

I understand how one's musical tastes can change from 2002 to nearly 2010. Don't get me wrong, my personal tastes have changed dramatically. Yet what I do not understand is how a respectable music website can give an album a perfect 10.0 in 2002, and then have the same album rank 100 of the top 500 albums of our current decade. Basically you are telling me that a perfect album in 2002 has very little relevance today, and that there are 99 better albums since? I just do not understand it.

The album I am referring to is "Source Tags & Codes" by And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead. This is an amazing album that is even more amazing because it was put out in 2002! Yet I guess Pitchfork Media has forgot all about that. Instead, they are just jumping on what is popular now and backtracking on their previous thoughts and ideals.


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