Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cheif Kickingstallionsims

I just finished Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami. I really like his novels, but they are kind of all the same: Holdern Caulfield-like male character not happy with his life, has feelings for some girl. He may or may not date the girl. Someone dies/ disappears mysteriously. A teenage girl appears in his life, he sees something tragic about her... blah blah blah.
Don't get me wrong, totally entertaining, just formulated. like Palahniuk.

Positive of the day = I went to a barber shop to get my beard trimmed, it was pretty old school and awesome. when they put the hot foam on my neck I felt like I was gonna get whacked.

Negative of the day = I did my bracket on paper, then I was going to fill out my yahoo bracket on my break from work, but they fucking blocked fantasy sports on our internet. this doesnt make sense because the internet is only available during break times, so like, its not like it will distract us from work. I was pissed.

I have an interview for a new job tomorrow. I am pretty hopeful.

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