Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Random email

I just received this email at 3:25am on December 31th. What/who the fuck...

Hey Devin!

“I am going to smack your face off of your face!”
--Charlie from It’s Always…

I just saw the last episode dude and you were right, it was so perfectly-retarded!
This whole season was good: I liked the Liberty Bell episode too. Now I needs to spend the rest of the week catchin’ up on my Nip/Tuck’s.

But it was cool meeting you at Eugenio’s party and it was even cooler when your sis’ told me you was lovin’ It’s Always. You might like Strangers With Candy too cuz they have a crazy-ass sense of humor just like the fools on Sunny.

Anyway, I’m still doing the arcade thing and I still want you there if you are free. This place called Funfuzion in New Roc City got this unlimited deal on Weds & Thurs. from 4:30-0:30pm.

It includes Laser tag, go karts, mini golf, bowling, all that good crap. I went last month and had mad fun my fam’ (the headaches they are) so I know I’d have even more fun with fools I actually like. Ha!

OK: I’m thinkin’ Jan. 9th is a good day to go, hopefully that will give people time to get it together/sync they schedules.

Let me know if you are down, otherwise have the bomb New Years!

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